Fallout 4 Easy Caps
Lost Piper End Game no quest
So you’ve lost Piper, Valentine or Dogmeat in Fallout 4 and tried everything in our Lost Companion Guide, but still can’t find them? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We started to have this issue end-game, mostly with Piper (she never wants to stay put!) We’ve found that the settler’s bell works well, you just have
fallout 4 covenant human error solve without angering companion
Covenant is probably one of the best looking and most defensible settlements in the Commonwealth, and for good reason. If you have not yet discovered this place in Fallout 4, you should go look for it. If you have the mission “Human Error”, then this location is already marked out for you. If you don’t
Minecraft Block Duplicator TNT Cannon
Fallout 4 Crashed UFO Location Alien Blaster
Fallout 4 Glowing Sea Dr Brian Virgil Serum Location
Tadradan has brought us another great video! In this quick clip for Fallout 4 “The Glowing Sea” side quest for Dr. Brian Virgil, Tadradan shows us how to retrieve his serum from inside The Institute! Key things to get inside the FEV Lab: Dr. Brian Virgil’s FEV Serum Dr. Brian Virgils holo tape (needed for a
Fallout 4 lost companion bug
Fallout 4 has its fair share of bugs, but none are worse than trying to find a lost companion who isn’t where you told them to go! I’ve lost many companion somewhere in the commonwealth, and I’m here to help you save time and energy looking for them! Again, Piper, Dogmeat, Valentine…even [redacted] Paladin Dance,
Fallout 4 Best Melee Weapon Kremvhs Tooth
Fallout 4 x-01 Power Armor full set location
Fallout 4 players that love power armor are always on the lookout for upgrades, but few are harder to find than the infamous x-01 Power Armor! We all know that the T-60 was the latest set used by soldiers during the war, but what wasn’t known was that its predecessor was almost completed. This experimental