Tag Archives: Crafting
Chemistry Stations and Cement Mixer in 7 Days to Die Alpha 15 A15
Chemistry Stations and Cement Mixer in 7 Days to Die Alpha 15 A15
We covered the most elaborate crafting stations already, but these last two crafting stations are no less important! The chemistry station, for instance, allows you to craft medicine using less materials as well as refine oil shale into gasoline. The cement mixer is the only way to make concrete mix allowing you to better fortify your base. Fertilizer can be produced by hand, or at a chemistry station or a cement mixer, but all three methods use different materials! Better yet, the cement mixer and chemistry station don’t require human turds to make fertilizer so you can stop searching for toilets!
These two are listed last in our series because they will most likely be the last two crafting stations you would make anyways due to the rarity of the materials needed (plus you need a workbench to make them). The Chemistry station requires 2 beakers and 3 pots in addition to other materials, while the cement mixer requires a small engine. When you do finally come across a small engine, you have to ask yourself…cement mixer or mini bike?
Rumor has it that small engines and mechanical parts are easy to come by once you have a wrench and dismantle cars and other machine with it as opposed to just beating it with a sledgehammer…but until that rumor is confirmed you should watch the video below about these last two crafting stations!
How to use the Workbench in 7 Days to Die Alpha 15 A15
How to use the Workbench in 7 Days to Die Alpha 15 A15
The workbench is another crafting station in 7 Days to Die that helps you to craft more items, but is also required to build certain items (like the chemistry station, cement mixer, and draw bridge). The workbench has another unique characteristic though, as it is the only way to make items with quality level 600. Item Quality 600 is currently the max, but if your skill in toll crafting is at 100, you will only make item quality 500, not 600.
To upgrade the quality of your items (tools, weapons, armor, etc.) you need to combine them with the same items at a workbench. A sledge hammer cannot be combined with a hammer, only another sledge hammer.
Seeing as this game is still in Alpha, what would be nice to see is if you can make something different by combining two items as opposed to just upgrading the quality. Like combining a bone shiv with a club to make some type of lethal spike club…in the mean time, check out the video below to see how the Workbench in 7 Days to Die Alpha 15 works!
7 Days to Die Crafting Basics Alpha 15 A15
7 Days to Die Crafting Basics Alpha 15 A15
Crafting in 7 Days to Die can be both simple and complicated, as this is still in Alpha there are some small nuances which we will go over later. The basic principles behind crafting is you need the proper materials and crafting station/tools. In the beginning of the game you start with almost nothing of use other than food & water to get you through the first 24 hours. Naked, cold and lacking the ability to defend yourself, you immediately begin frantically searching for materials.
To help you understand the crafting system, “The Fun Pimps” start you out with a simple quest line. You first quest is to craft a small stone axe, which will be your most useful tool for the first 7 days (unless you get really lucky). The first step is to gather the needed resources: Fiber from grass, wood and small stones. Now you have a tool to help you get more materials…and break open doors!
Crafting and gathering are key components of this game, and in our “Crafting Series” we cover all of the details of the crafting system and various workstations required to produce high-end gear and tools.